Since you (hopefully) now know how to create the male and female and the basic structure, I'll give you tips and tricks to make it become better, even the minuscule details make it great. First off, always keep your image clean, I tend to like my drawings a bit sketchy since I like how to looks, but cleanliness is key! All you do is erase and smoother the sides with a eraser with sharper corners so it won't erase and smudge the whole thing, and darken your picture, you can also try inking to do that. There is also guide lines, part of the structure. It can greatly help you with where to put the character's features and how to draw different positions. You just create lines across the face to where the eyes should line up, and one through the center of the face and down the chin. Draw guidelines LIGHTLY or else it will be hard to erase and like I said, cleanliness is key!
Clothes can even be improved with wrinkles. If you look at your clothing, it is never, ever completely wrinkle free, so your drawing should have wrinkles in the person's drawing as well. Never form the lines into an X to create wrinkles, it is impossible to have X shaped wrinkles, but all else is okay. Use wrinkles to demonstrate the tight or looseness of the clothing, long and folded over, or small and far apart. There is also simple positions. No matter how excellent a drawing is, it is never as interesting if the person is just standing there, straight forward. Make them do something, and look at yourself in the mirror to see, same thing serves for hands, try them and practice by looking at it and determining the size on the picture.
Finally, be creative and don't be afraid to experiment! That's all for now, bye!
Thats really cool! Now I can make my drawing a bit more better! I just think you add a visual so we could see how it should look.